MMS Friends

:D !

My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever..

Thursday, January 29, 2004

Hmm i haven't blogged in awhile it's only been a couple days but monday seems so long ago. What to say? Well women's cell was once again reeeally good last night. We didn't get to talk about the book AGAIN cuz we ended up sharing/praying the whole time. A lot of cool stuff was brought up and i really like how we can be so open with each other...i think women's cell is really taking a positive turn.

So i guess i have a xanga site now? Hahaha...thanx a lot christine but i think i'll be sticking to blogspot. So considerate of u to make me a whole site tho! WoW i was really surprised. It's bizarre having a site that u didn't even

Hmmm...trying to think if ne thing else interesting happened this week? ...Shaggy's birthday yesterday! That was fun... Took lotsa pics that'll be up on imagestation hopefully soon. I'm just too lazy to upload at the moment...

Everyone's talking about charity ball. Kinda makes me wanna see what all the fuss is about...but ah well. Maybe next year? It woulda been fun to get all dressed up and stuff...i dont really know what held me back from going tho. I guess a lot of small things. *shrugs*

Well i guess i'm off now...YAY no classes tomorrow! Hope i don't squander away my time fridays are soo good but sooo bad cuz i never use my time wisely. *Sigh* We'll see...

Monday, January 26, 2004

Well i had a pretty cool weekend back at home... And i'm happy to say that I was able to have some pretty lengthy LONG OVERDUE conversations with certain ppl. *SIGH* Feels good to have done that.... Another thing i've learned recently is that you need to answer God's promptings right away. When He's speaking to you in His weird ways or simply telling you that you need to do something... If you don't get to it right away...your desire to do it just fades away and YOU DON'T DO IT. And that's bad...

At church yesterday I got to talk to my old pastor cuz he was speaking...awesome message too. It was so good to chat with Him again and i realized how much i took him for granted when he was actually with us. I told him some of the stuff that's been goin on with me and seeing his genuine concern and interest was truly a blessing. I miss my home church a lot...service and sunday school were both really awesome yesterday. I love when He challenges you with new thoughts in so many different ways.....

Well there's a massive snow storm in store for tonite...eeks. I hope i get home from class b4 it starts!! Snow snow snow...gotta love it.....!!

Saturday, January 24, 2004

Goin home in...less then 7 hours. Looking fwd to spending some quality time with friends and family!! Yay... My weekends spent back at home seem to always be planned out for me before i even get back. I guess that's good in a way but aaahh i see very little time for work. Oh gosh another weekend of no work? I dunno weekend and work just don't seem to go together. Aiya oh well...maybe i'll get a tiny bit of reading done? And time sure flies by on my fridays off...geeeeez today went by in a flash!

ACF was cool...a time of mellow worship and sharing. I love spontaneous worship like that. So enjoyable. Well better get some shut eye so i can wake up and fall asleep again in the car ride home!! HeHe.

Friday, January 23, 2004

WAAAH!! :( I was just notified that Friends will be taping their VERY LAST EPISODE TOMORROW!! That makes me so sad. THanx for ruining my day christine. Lol... I can't believe it's really gonna be the end. Soo many years...good laughs. Sigh...

Well this blog is kinda pointless...but i was prompted to blog by a very good friend! (haha...u know who u are) I'm being pressured to blog more frequently. Eeks...

Well i received a very encouraging email fact i received much encouragement altogether tonite... From different ppl...feels so good! I was already in a good mood too! So joyous at the moment...lalala. Hehe... Even the Friends thing can't bring me down that much... :) Encouragement is such an awesome thing...we all should practice it more in our lives. So many blessings...we should all share with one another. Through women's cell, small group and stuff...i've realized the importance of sharing with fellow believers. It's so cool to relate to others...u'd be surprised at how much that can happen. And also...the classic "u never know who u're gonna touch with what u share" thing... So true.

Well tonite was another nite of no work...i guess i have all day tomorrow tho. We'll see how much i do! And going home this weekend too so not much work to be done there :/ OH YEA. SUN LEEN FAI LOK everyone! Haha i guess i'm late...oh well. Chinese new year is so not a big deal to me. Just another day...? I guess we're all whitewashed over here...don't have the traditional chinese "stuff" to get us all cheery for the chinese new year. Cept for "luy sees"...yay for those! Haha... Well this blog took soo long to the midst of talking to a bunch of ppl on icq and msn... I forget when i even started...i wonder if this took an hour?


Thursday, January 22, 2004

Women's cell was really good tonite... It was so cool to hear everyone share about retreat. Sooo awesome how God is working in so many ppl's lives. Man...He is so good!!!

Well it looks like i'm going back to windsor this weekend? Was gonna go to TO but don't think that's happening ne more. YaY going back home! Got some "stuff" to take care of. Hopefully i'll actually do it. Need to talk to certain ppl...and for some it's gonna be hard. Eeek... "Lord give me courage...!"

Hmm...i think new layout is on the way...(christine?) Hehe...yay. Thanx chick i really appreciate it! Oooh can't wait. No more of this ugly template.

Well this week is going by pretty fast...BOXFIT TOMORROW!! I felt good after i did it last time...i wanna do at least twice a week...that didn't happen this week tho. DISCIPLINE...haha. Religious studies is tomorrow too. That class is.......interesting. I find it weird tho cuz it's not bible based at all. And i'm so used to the "everything by the bible" attitude. It's very historical and FACT based. It's basically kinda like a history course about the New Testament. So the stuff that i pick up in class i have to be careful about what to believe...need to be able to discern properly. For example...we learned in class that the 4 gospels have unknown writers?? I was like.....huh. Matthew Mark Luke and John wrote them!! Duh... So i checked with a couple friends. So yea...need to be careful in that class what i learn.

Alrite...this marks the end of my blog. Gnite all......

Monday, January 19, 2004

Well english test is done and over with...and i'm feeling pretty good about it!! Hopefully i'm not unpleasantly surprised when i get it back tho...
On another happy note...MY PARENTS ARE BACK!!! So good to have them home again...we went out for dinner last nite and i realized how much i missed their company...just talking to them...catching up. They told me about their trip and they had such a good time. I'm really happy about that...they really deserved a vacation. We had a pretty good laugh too cuz my dad was trying to explain to me one of the relatives they was like a kind of distant relative. It's a "u had to be there" kinda laugh. But i never really laugh that hard with my
Well i'm feeling pretty good right now...(just finding out my psych class is cancelled today really adds to that hehe) Retreat over the weekend was......really awesome. I'm so glad i decided to go despite the fact i had an english test today. I felt that i should go cuz i was really lackin in my walk with God. My devos were dry and pointless and as a result i was losing my perspective on life...and what it should be. I needed a spiritual refresher...and i think i got it. Being able to genuinely worship was soo great and the messages were really good too. I learned a lot and was reminded of many things... 2 things that Roger (ACF counsellor) said really stuck in my mind. The first one was "make sure you're not busy with something else when God has something more important for you". This is not exact quoting...but yea i think that was what i was doing. Too busy with other things way less important than God's will. I was being apathetic and complacent (Barry's words) towards God things. Not caring enough to put forth a strong effort to develop my experience with God. Another thing Roger said at the end of his message was "don't stop at the point where you want Him...move towards Him and receive Him..." Wow, that spoke right to my heart cuz that's exactly what i need to do.
So the theme of the retreat was Love One Another...and indeed that is what we learned to do. I'm so thankful that God brought me to western and ACF to meet such an amazing bunch of ppl who are so great about being submissive to the will of God. I've learned a lot from many individuals through their words but most importantly by their actions and example. I'm honoured to be a part of the fellowship and hope i can take what i've learned this weekend to be more loving to others and more grounded in Him. PRAISE GOD!!
Well this is getting pretty lengthy...just needed to get that out. I hope the Lord spoke to others and gave them a great experience at retreat too and i'd love to hear about it if u wanna share!! Email me or tell me bout it in person...whatever!

Lunch time!

Wednesday, January 14, 2004

Yay i think i fixed the time thing...! I was on the wrong time zone...haha. Well it's about midnite and i've wasted most of my time since i got home...not studying. Aii i missed women's cell to come home to study too...something is wrong with me. I have this weird peace about this english sometimes i worry bout it...but other times i dont. Like tonite...i'm totally not even thinking about it at all. Is this wrong? I'm worried that i'm not worrying enough...haha. That's my problem a lot of the time... I got a good amount done at school today tho...i just had english in the morning then stayed at school until 6ish to study. Bus was late tho, AND SLOW due to the snowy weather so i didn't get home until like 7:10ish.
Wow i'm gonna do boxfit tomorrow with shirley (my first time!!) after religious studies. She's experienced so i hope she can show me the ropes... AAhh i hope i can do it...i'm gonna be so winded like within the first 5 mins i bet. I'm so outta shape. But it was one of my new years res to get in shape so i'm finally working on it! Gonna start going to the gym too...
Man i TOTALLY cannot do work at home..why do i even try?

Just watched A Walk to Remember again!! That was GRRRREEEAAATT...what an awesome movie. I've lost track of how many times i've seen it....can't get enough of it! I love watching good movies that u haven't seen in awhile...!! If only all guys were like Landon Carter...? Hahaha...
The time thing with my blogs is screwed up cuz they are so my last 2 blogs say i wrote them at 7 something but i really wrote them at like 10 something? ANd right now it's 1:44 am but it's prolly still gonna say it's the 13th still. Dunno how to fix it? Ah well...gonna go call my parents now!

Tuesday, January 13, 2004

I've come to the conclusion that i'll never be able to live by myself. Not that i would...but if that case ever presented itself...i wouldn't do it. Not having my parents around for the past week hasn't been that bad but i'm beginning to see how i really take them for granted. Even tho i don't spend much "quality time" with them when they're at home...their presence really makes a difference. Just having someone at home when u come home is nice... Being alone isn't too fun...i dunno how ppl live by themselves. I'm finding that i'm becoming dependent on the presence of other ppl...i really dont like being by myself. Of course there are times when i need my own time by myself...but i used to appreciate it a lot more. Hmm...
I've also concluded that going to bed early is overated. I went to bed a little earlier than usual last night (1:30ish) because i knew i was gonna have a long day at school didn't help at all. I was even more tired than usual! Falling asleep in bio (which i hardly do)...not being able to stay awake in the library while was bad. Dunno what the deal with that is...
Well the time i have left to study for english is getting limited...soo much to do still. But i keep having this perspective that it's not THAT much and i'll be able to do it...just how well is the question? That's what i hate about english tests...studying for them is so easy yet so hard? I dunno if ne one will be able to understand what i reading the material is all fine and dandy, but being able to identify quotes and write an essay on who knows what? That's another story.... Well i'm not even sure if i should attempt to read some more since i'm at home...never get ne thing done here. *shrugs*

Sunday, January 11, 2004

Sigh...another weekend come and gone. But all in all a pretty good one. ACF on friday night was great...good worship...good speaker. Really needed that... After that went to bbt with bunch and then back to cho's and becky's for the second night. Cho and I stayed up till like 6 talking...good times lol. Saturday morning...came home chilled a bit and waited for my sis and jen to come up to visit. They came around 5:30 and we had to head out rite away cuz i had HYPE. They went out for dinner and came back to pick me up. THEN we went to eat again. Well it was again for them and just dinner for me... Then came back to the apt and chilled a bit b4 sleeping. Today...LCAC in the morning...good speaker on missions. It was a good reminder of how important the great commission is. He gave an analogy... If there were 1000 ppl in a room...representing the world. There'd be 250 chinese, 250 from india, 4 from north america and 496 others... So out of 100 youth workers/missionaries 99 of them would go to those 4 north americans and 1 would be left to go to all the rest of the 996. Crazy eh? That's how the missions situation really is i guess... Major eye opener. Missions is so important... Personally, i'm not feeling the calling to go again just yet this year tho...there's a part of me that wants to go a lot but then i'm not getting it from Him so...maybe that'll change?
My parents decided to extend their stay in cali a few more days so they're not coming back till the weekend... Sigh i miss them...or maybe its cuz i just dont like being alone in the apt. Well Dren's coming over to stay one night this week so that'll be cool...
So another week of school is starting...gotta go hardcore english this week. Test on the 19th. I decided to still go to the ACF retreat this weekend so i need to study b4 hand majorly. Hopefully He'll give me the focus and discipline i need....!! Wow i started this blog like more than an hour ago...and it's taken me this long to do it...haha too many distractions. Oh well ...done now. Might turn in early tonite... That prolly wont end up happening... *shrugs*. Hope this week flies by...

Saturday, January 10, 2004

WAAAHH i got a blogsite! Haha...i guess it's a lot better than AA since no one really goes there ne more. I gotta still figure out all the details of using blogspot or whatever... And i wanna make my page look nicer. Well i've had a pretty busy first week back...weird considering i haven't gotten much work done at all. Aiii...need to buckle down. So i really shouldn't even be doing this. Sigh...well i'll make this short for now. There will be many more to come...