MMS Friends

:D !

My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever..

Tuesday, October 12, 2004

i absolutely love stepping on leaves. it might actually be one of my favourite things to my bro caught me yesterday. i went to go put stuff in the van and on the way back in ..i went on the lawn and started walking around in circles just stepping on leaves. *CRUNCH CRUNCH* !! i loooove that sound! so then i look up and see my brother through the door staring at me. HAHAHAHA.. i had to explain myself when i got inside. it was hilarious. i wonder if ppl on campus think i look dumb when i walk on the grass filled with leaves to step on them instead the paved pathway? especially when i'm taking big forceful steps and smiling when i'm doing it lol. i can't help it!! today the leaves were a bit wet so the full *crunch* potential in the leaves wasn't there. darn.

here's something i found a little interesting that i learned. may not be 100% accurate but oh wells. every minute you worry takes one minute off your life. hmm. but every minute of excercise adds one minute to your life. interesting. haha.. so stop worrying ppl!! go outside and step on some leaves! heck, jump on them! get some exercise!.. it'll do u good :)

Sunday, October 03, 2004

i was reminded of a few things this weekend...

- God's love and grace is overwhelming.. i know this is an understatement and it's always said. but many things said and done this weekend have reminded me of this and have blessed me as a result.

- my brothers and sisters in ACF are each very special in their own way. and i wish i had the drive and/or opportunity to get to know every single one of them better..but i can't. so i'll rest in the fact that they are my brothers and sisters under Christ and are there for me when i need them.. and hopefully they know that i'm here for them as well :)

- God thinks i'm beautiful *smiles*.. haha i love it. He thinks YOU are beautiful. remember that always.