MMS Friends

:D !

My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever..

Sunday, September 24, 2006

the busy-ness of the week doesn't really allow me to ponder on things. but spending time alone at home.. really gives me time to think. i dunno if this is a good or bad thing.

i wish i had a thought recorder.

this past week i've had a few experiences with ppl.. when i just don't know what to say in response to what they say. maybe due to tiredness (i don't function well under fatigue. some of you know this well haha). but i don't think i'm entirely at fault. sometimes ppl say things.. that just don't seem to make sense in the context of the conversation. you know when you're talking about something with someone.. and suddenly they say something that makes you think "that's not even what we're talking about". hahaa.. for some reason it's quite troubling for me. i'm one that likes to stay on subject. and i laugh a little in my head every time that happens now. then i usually just.. go with the flow and let the person divert us away from our original topic. against my "better" judgment.. depending on how well i know the person.

sometimes i can't believe how many ppl i know. i'm not trying to be egotistic or anything. but it just troubles me that i know so many ppl.. but i don't really know them. it's pretty impossible to get to know everyone that you know on a deeper level. you have to pick who you want to get to know. and usually you pick the ppl you get along well with. is it wrong to not try and get to know someone that you don't get along well with? or someone who you just don't talk with much?

there's just.. so many ppl.

so many ppl to love.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

ahh good ol ASLHSB/SVB.. i miss this building. i can see myself just coming back here for no reason throughout the year just to hang out.. haha. reasons why i love this building:

1) it's HEALTH SCI HEADQUARTERS!! woot.. i have so much pride in my program :P
2) there's a timmy's RIGHT outside the comp labs
3) the comp labs are always next to empty. so peaceful.
4) 3rd/4th floor are good nap/quiet reading areas

gotta love when you're sitting in a comp lab and all of a sudden a class starts tho haha.. like now. i didn't even notice until the teacher started talking. the class is so small. a girl passed me the attendance sheet lol.

i shared this passage with the prayer meeting group this morning..

"I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. If anyone does not remain in me, he is like a branch that is thrown away and withers; such branches are picked up, thrown into the fire and burned. If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be given you. This is to my Father's glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples. John 15:5-8

v7 is one of verses i wrote on my window during the summer.. and i saw it this morning. and it reeeally encouraged me. a challenge to remain in the Lord. to be IN Him so much that me and Him (and you and Him) are inseparable. PTL that He also remains in us! and if we remain in Him and His words remain in us.. we will be given whatever we wish. whoaaooa.

we're thinking of doing more prayer meetings. mmm more prayer. let's do iiit :D

Saturday, September 16, 2006

wow what a blessful day :D

prayer meeting this morning was sooo goooood.. really something i needed. i love when ppl are so enthusiastic about coming out in the morning to pray. and hearing the excited prayers of my brothers and sisters is always so encouraging and uplifting. gah! so exciting! and yay to janine (a froshie) for coming out to pray with us!! :D

we were all so excited for acf tonight.. and RIGHTLY SO!! praise God for such a wonderful night of worship/prayer/sharing. the presence of the Spirit was just sooo evident this evening. how great is our God indeed :)

on another note. spiders have infested my car :( and it doesn't help when i'm driving one of the frosh boys home and he's more scared of spiders than i am. hahahaa.. "i feel like it's on me!" :P

Thursday, September 14, 2006

a busy first couple weeks it has been.... i think i'm being plunged into reality a bit too abruptly :S

cool thing tho.. i thought i wouldn't know ppl in 3 of my 5 classes. but turns out jenny is taking social psych with me.. and pegs is in my palliative care course! woot. not that i don't like meeting new ppl.. but when you're in 4th year.. it seems so much harder.

all my classes are in various rooms around campus. in a way i feel like i'm in first year again. not used to it since almost all my classes last year were in ASLHSB. ahh i miss that building. only one class there this year. booo.

i think i'm gonna really enjoy this semester.. school wise. just as long as i can stay on top of things. all of my classes (except for one) i took out of pure interest. and i'm especially excited for social psych: the scientific study of how ppl think about, influence, and relate to one another. mmm.. should be interesting! i hope i learn lots in all my courses and will be able to apply what i learn to daily life :D

mmmm... the year has started and it feels quite different than previous years. i dunno if it's because it's my last.. or if it's because this year brings much more responsibility. but things aren't as carefree anymore. so many more things to consider and think about. ahh need more focus. need more prayer.. mmmm yesss prayer meeting tmrw.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006


wongfu is coming to western.


hahahhaahaa.. yessss :D

december 6.. mark your calendars :P

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

i know i said i can't wait for this year to start. but..




somebody make time stop NOW.

Sunday, September 03, 2006

dunebugz...mpimjihah...hugefatz...emopbid...garlac?! i didn't think anyone would even want to play it.. but who knew upwords would turn out to be such a fun game? or should i say... funNY!? harhar.

i should've taken pictures at every stage of the game. but let's start with the one that started all the craziness (desperation + cooperation + silliness + no rules = LOTSA LAUGHS :P)...

which led to..

..and ultimately led to this end result in which "comes" and "winds" were the only real words left. HAHHAA.. oh! "we" and "eh" too.. we? eh? we? eh? eh? we? :P

goooood times josh, becca, glo, and gav! i love laughing that hard :D

yay HYPE.. love you guys!

Saturday, September 02, 2006

i've been reading John again ..trying to take more notice of Jesus' character, actions, and teachings this time. and last week as i was reading.. i got so frustrated. i was reading.. but not understanding what Jesus was saying at all. he speaks using so many paradoxes and illustrations that a simple mind like mine does not comprehend at face value. and i'm reading about how the Jews of Jesus' day couldn't understand and accept His teachings either. so much so that many of His disciples stopped following Him (John 6). and the Jews got so mad after hearing one of His long discourses that they wanted to stone Him (John 8). if i put myself in their shoes i can now see why they would react this way. *sigh* really reading the Word makes me realize just how much i don't understand.. and how much i still have to learn. i got so frustrated that i just shut my bible and put it aside.

then i remembered the verse that says my yoke is easy.

Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light. Matthew 11:29-30

a rabbi's YOKE was his interpretation of the law. and Jesus said His yoke is EASY.

then why is it so hard? and why is there SO MUCH?

why did Jesus say His yoke is easy? when it seemingly... is not?

and then i'm reminded.. that i dont have to understand EVERYTHING. and even the things i don't understand.. if i think about it.. are potentially understandable if i try. and if i rely on the Spirit's leading to help me. and His yoke is easy after all. and all is calm again. and God saves the day again.

haha. how silly of me.

watching videos from last year.. and this summer. ahh makes me miss ppl already and miss the ppl who have gone. also makes me reeeally excited for this year. must make this year count. it has to be different. no more wasting time. i can't wait for it to start! aahhh let's go!

Friday, September 01, 2006

september september a time to remember...?

my my.. it's that time again. summer's end.. fall's begin. time really does go by faster as you age. although the beginning of summer seems like it was ages ago, the summer seems to have gone by in a flash.

i've realized that i haven't spent much time outside this summer.. didn't take advantage of the warm weather. and now.. it's not warm anymore
:( it's cool. too cool to be comfortable outside without a jacket.. darn.

things i'm looking forward to this month:
- everyone coming back to LONDOOOON! woot :D
- helping ppl find their books as a bookstore ambassador.. ask me! :P
- learning/growing/fellowshipping with my acf brothers and sisters :)
- prayer meetings!!
- campus life.. oh how i've missed it.
- meeting new ppl

summer recap pics..

caleb's birthday

western at CC

jon's birthday

guys at GDOP.. haha i love this pic.

western at GDOP

samantha's birthday

in windsor for fireworks

samo's birthday

HYPE coffeehouse

western at starlight charity ball

mm.. a lot of birthdays this summer. i really love how western represents at a lot of things. go western! :D