MMS Friends

:D !

My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever..

Sunday, December 23, 2007

it's been 10 days since exams ended... already!? wowzers.

life is just passing before my very eyes.. and it's all i can do to just keep them open.

dren and shirley surprised me with a visit yesterday!! well done i must say. well done. i was coming to terms with the fact that i wouldn't get to see shirley at all this christmas season. and BAM! the Lord blesses them with time to come down to london. and blesses me with their visit :D so great to catch up and hang out - the 3 of us again.

the thing i love about these girls is their love for the Lord. it's just so evident by their words and actions. what an encouragement and joy they are to me :)

our time together was too short. but what a great day. filled with sharing, reminiscing, laughter, and silly-ness :)

Thursday, December 13, 2007

the time has come. hello kitty knows best! ahahaa..

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

dialogue between me and satan last night..

satan: you don't have enough time..
me: but i thought i did.
satan: you can't concentrate anyways.. just give up.
me: but what kind of a christian would that make me?
satan: you're gonna fail. you're a failure..
me: i am a failure.. how did i let this happen?

*time goes by.. *panic attack.. but......

the LORD intervenes!

i continue studying.. sleep. i wake up before there's light out.. study more. and when i step outside.. the sky is blue, the sun is shining. it's like God knew i would need it :)

and i listened to these words before i walked into my exam..

When Satan tempts me to despair
And tells me of the guilt within
Upward I look and see Him there
Who made an end of all my sin
Because the sinless Savior died
My sinful soul is counted free
For God the just is satisfied
To look on Him and pardon me

His grace is more than enough! PTL :D

*dances away with energy to keep studying*

Monday, December 10, 2007

here are some of my favourite videos i've discovered this semester. for your procrastination pleasure.....

this one i found under related videos when i searched for wongfu's yellow fever. watch until the song starts.. the asian guy's facial expressions make me LOL. he's pretty cute too.

this one's for any nacho libre fans out there. this kid is so flippin cute! and he's got mad skillz too. when i have a baby.. i hope he can be as cool as this kid. encarnaaaaciooooooon!!

i originally saw this on tv around this time last year and i remember putting on my lollerskates and going a few rounds. my co-workers are obsessed with this video and i am now too.

i couldn't get the link for 'ppl getting punched just before eating' but if you have time.. check that out on youtube too.

happy studying to all and to all a good night!

Friday, December 07, 2007

so many exciting things going on.. it's hard to sit down, concentrate, and just study.

i was able to catch up with yp a bit at church last sunday. i shared with him that God had answered prayers that he had prayed for me last year. and he also shared with me how God is working in a family member of his that i prayed for last year. it's such a wonderful joy to see the fruits of God's hand at work... even after so long. His timing is perfect. and He surely remembers even when we forget.

i was driving north on highbury today after dropping off my mom at work with switchfoot's 'the blues' blasting in my car (which is in my opinion an AWESOME song to listen to while driving. listen to the song and maybe you'll understand what i mean :P).. and i felt the strongest urge to keep going straight instead of turning left which is the direction i would need to go to get home. if i kept going straight i would be heading somewhere i have never been before.. i know that heading south on highbury eventually takes me to the 401. but if i keep going north on highbury.. i have no idea where it'll take me. i think the urge to keep driving was coming from a couple things..

1) wanting to escape from all thing things i have to do
2) being able to experience the unknown

the first reason is pretty cowardly. altho it is good to escape and have a time of solitude sometimes.. your responsibilites given from God are still yours to deal with.

the second reason is something i'm really embracing right now. not knowing what's ahead. but being excited because i know it will be good.. because it will be from the Lord. i have my expectations but i know that they will be shattered by what God actually has planned. i was talking to enoch yesterday and he said this - our expectation is usually close to God's minimum requirements. i thought that was pretty cool. it's true that God wants us to believe and expect because that's what faith is about. but keep this in mind..

Now all glory to God, who is able, through his mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think. Ephesians 3:20 NLT

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

with a whole semester's worth of work on my hands and my mind still in somewhat of a scattered state..... i sit here at gov pub in weldon.. the snow falling so heavily outside.. listening to my newly purchased charlie brown christmas cd.. and i'm just smiling my face off :)

something about today is just so great. maybe it was the awesome i conversation i just had with a brother. maybe it's because my new starbucks tumbler kept my tea SO WARM and i got to enjoy it for hours. maybe it's because i didn't have to walk around the whole library to find a seat. maybe it's just because the snow outside is so pretty. i'm not even thinking about how i'll have to dig my car out of a pile of snow later :P

it could be all those things. but really i know's because God is good :) and He provides all these things for me to enjoy while i'm on this earth. and He allows me to cast my anxieties on Him because He cares. hallelujah what a God we serve :)

encouragement of the day: don't let yourself limit what God can do.. in you and in others. our scope is so limited but His is eternal. we possess confidence and assurance in the Lord that we have what He has promised us. hallelujah! what a God we serve :D