MMS Friends

:D !

My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever..

Monday, September 27, 2004

A good weekend spent at home. And now i'm sitting here eating cereal after finally getting home from what seems like a long day. And it's only 4.. and i only had 3 hours of classes. Eeesh.. what is going on.

I forgot my buspass/student card at home today! *smacks forehead* Man that is not a good thing to do. I can't live without that thing. I realized when i was going down to the gym and needed it to swipe..DOH. So i borrowed becky's.. good thing she was around. Couldn't get a snack..didn't want to use cash. Had to PAY for the bus home!! AAAhhhh i hate doing that!! The funny thing was this morning my mom was like "don't forget your buspass" as it was sitting right in front of me on the table. And i was like "mom, don't worry. i NEVER forget my buspass". And what do i do?.. aiii.

Saw Garden State last night.. i really liked it. Maybe cuz i really like Zach Braff tho.. haha. Interesting movie.. i keep thinking there should be more to it tho. I was expecting a thinking movie.. but it wasn't really like that. And now.. i keep trying to read more into it.. but i come out with nothing. Ah well.. good movie nonetheless.

A couple of big things coming up. Retreat this weekend.. and my first midterm ALREADY! Next friday.. RIGHT before long weekend...uuuuggh.

Wednesday, September 15, 2004

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. My friday stats tutorial got switched to a stats lecture.. meaning i will actually have to go and not be able to skip it sometimes. Boooo. Tutorial on mondays.. That's why the prof didn't show up for monday lecture. The guy is pretty cool tho.. funny man. Maybe that'll make up for friday lectures.

I accomplished 4 things within 20 minutes this morning b4 my 10am class. Be proud.

1) mailed a letter
2) did OSAP
3) bought my physio course book
4) put money on my western one

Yaaaay for me. No line ups!

Tuesday, September 14, 2004

I haven't had the desire to post lately. Hmm maybe this blogspot thing is finally losing it's appeal to me. Or i just really don't have ne thing worthwhile to say right now. That's probably it.

I experienced with photoshop last night ..tried making a new bg. Sooo did not work. I need someone to teach me.. i wanna be good at using it. Sooo hard tho.

Well adjusting back to school life has been pretty easy. Things just.. fell back into place, almost in all areas. I end class by noon on most days.. so therefore i've been napping a lot when i get home. Sleep has become a hobby. Not goooood. Need to do more active things.. like workout. Still haven't visited the gym yet.. baaad me.

Frosh Cell starts tomorrow ..lookin fwd to it!

Thursday, September 09, 2004

NOOOOOOOOOOOOO JACOB HOGGARD is out of Canadian Idol!!!! Sooo sad... so so sad. I was actually very upset for him. If he comes out with a cd.. i'll buy it lol.

Well first day was very.. normal. 2 classes. Ended by 11. A few surprise ppl in my classes already lol.. yay! They renovated the Spoke! It's sooooo nice. A bunch of us went there after our 8am physiology and just chilled on the nice new couches. Yes it's cool to see the changes that were made on campus.

Being back.. seeing ppl again has been very nice. In a way it feels like we picked right back off where we left off. Actually, that's the case exactly. It's pretty cool how we can do that.

I love having my own room again. It's so.. precious to me. Coming home to it.. throwing my stuff down.. having my own belongings around me in my own little territory. I have yet to unpack a lot of stuff.. and decorate. But i'm waiting until i have all my furniture so i know where to hang stuff and where to put things. My new ikea stuff brings a good "home-y-ness" to the room. Just waiting for a new shelf and bed now...

Tuesday, September 07, 2004

So what do i do when i get back to london? I go to toronto.. lol. My friends decided to come visit me already yesterday..ya! You can tell we aren't ready for the summer to end. So they came up about an hour or so after i did yesterday.. didn't even get a chance to umpack ne thing b4 they came cuz i ran into new neighbour yay! Hehe.. ne ways. I'm so glad they came up.. we chilled in my room for the first few hours and then my parents took us to my dad's fave.. HARMONY (hah-mone-ee) BUFFET lol. After dinner we headed to the riverside. It was a beautiful night.. we ended up hanging out there for like 4 hours. Stayed until a little after one.. we never do ne thing stupid like that. It was such a great time. We goofed around on the playground.. walked along the river and even invented our own water game with the splasher thing.. aka chicken lol. I WON the second round and earned a free lunch today! After getting back home.. none of us felt tired so we stayed up talking till 4am. Maaaan we've never done that b4. Well.. cuz my guy friends came too.. it wasn't just me and my 2 best friends. That was.. very interesting. Haha.. we headed to TO today for one last little trip.. it was mostly for me cuz i wanted to go to Ikea. But i got an awesome umbrella too! Bought a couple chests of drawers at ikea and a lamp. I need more tho... hopefully heading back soon...

What a great way to end off the summer! They left about an hour ago.. i already kinda miss them.. i felt a pang of withdrawal from them already lol.

But now it's down to business. I realize now i have a lot of stuff to do with the start of school. Eeks.. time to take up the responsibility now! But first i need some chill time and sleeeeeeeep. Last day to sleep in tomorrow.. lol although i know there will be more opportunities this year hopefully. I don't even feel like i should sleep in. Waste of time? Ah well gotta enjoy the last day b4 reality sets in...

Monday, September 06, 2004

Don't watch bourne supremacy.. it makes u feel sick. The camera work was just.. horrible. Bouncing up and down up and down..uggh. Sitting in the movie theatre.. i was feeling really dizzy. I think the movie had one of the best chase scenes i've seen tho. We watched identity and supremacy right after... Not bad movies. The first was definitely better tho.

Well the retreat was pretty good. A relaxing couple days of good fellowship. It reminded me of a few things.. things i have to start thinking about again. Things i've been putting on hold for awhile. I've been too lazy to face thinking about certain things.. but the laziness must end as summer is ending. NO MORE LAZINESS. Easier said than done..

The summer has been a long one. But yet i'm not ready for it to end. It wasn't jam packed with a lot of stuff. I kinda liked it that way. Friendships were deepened.. some went the opposite way. But it wasn't like they weren't already like that during the year. I'm really gonna miss it here in windsor. My haven.. it's definitely a comfort zone tho. Somewhere i need to break free from but i dont want to. Talk about going to the BEACH.. didn't happen at all. I'm waiting for London. It doesn't seem possible here. So here i go. Back to school.. it's a good place. See y'all soooon....

Friday, September 03, 2004

All my stuff is still packed away in boxes. I don't quite feel like unpacking yet. Maybe because i don't have all my furniture.. or all my stuff yet i guess. Some of it is still in windsor.

I got my hair cut this morning. Doesn't look that different..some probably won't even notice. I just wanted some layers.. and got an inch off the bottom. But the woman didn't do that great a job. I had to fix it when i got back but still it doesn't look quite how i wanted it. Sighh.. ah well maybe it'll look better if i actually styled it lol.

Going back to windsor soon.. my friend wilkie offered to come pick me up so i dont have to wait for my dad to leave tomorrow afternoon. Now i dont have to miss my fellowship retreat that starts tonight! Yeaa.. should be a good weekend.

Thursday, September 02, 2004

in london...

the move was a success yesterday.. my mom and i moved most of the boxes during the day while my dad was at work and when he came back we moved the big stuff with sam's help (thanx samo!). that didn't take long.. we had the elevator booked for 2 hours but it only took around 1. i get my own bathroom now!! yaaaay.. i bought a new shower curtain, bath mat and soap dispenser for it today. it came as a set.. on sale at sears. YAY for sales at sears! haha.. it's quite pretty. i like it a lot. i'm excited to decorate my room.. make it look nice. i'm on a tight budget tho.. and i want new furniture too. hmm this might be challenging. but it'll be alright.. i have awhile to do it all.. but my problem is i wanna do it all NOW! aaahh..

i picked up my buspass today at school. it's bluuuee.. my favourite! used it to go to masonville today with my mom. i didn't even have to line up.. just walked right up there. they didn't let me get my westernizer tho.. i didn't have my validation card yet. when are we getting those?

i voted for canadian idol last night first vote ever. jacob hoggard. he is the best man!! i want him to win.. and he didn't get kicked off today because I VOTED. LOL.. i wish that were true.

a week from today.. school would have started. goodbye summer. goodbye carefree days. goodbye windsor.. soon.