MMS Friends

:D !

My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever..

Tuesday, August 31, 2004

Last day at work today! I'm leaving in a few hours to go back to london.. Moving day tomorrow. Ahh these summer days are coming to a close. Back to life.. back to reality. I'm gonna go see if i can get my buspass this week. That is a must.. i hate being in london without a buspass.. Maybe i'll get a haircut finally. I've putting it off all summer. I've been picturing what i want all summer.. but maybe i'll go with something different. Something

What else to do in london if i dont get hooked up with cable..? Unpack.. go to masonville.. blah blah. Coming back to windsor on friday for the weekend.. Then off again back to london on labour day. And ..there to stay.

Friday, August 27, 2004

I'm sittin here at work.. listening to shania twain. I must say i have the cushiest job ever. Fridays i'm always here alone.. so i can do whatever i want. I'm having my friends come later and visit me..yay! It'll make the day go by faster.

My parents are gonna be in toronto this weekend. They're picking up 4 of my relatives from California that i've never met. My family has never been a family family. Like.. we dont see our non-immediate family that much. Besides my grandma in TO. I haven't met so many of my uncles, aunts, cousins. I don't even know how many i have or where they all are. I look at those families that get together for major holidays and have reunions and wonder what that would be like. I guess i really don't know what i'm missing tho.. so it doesn't bother me that much. But it'll be cool to meet this uncle and aunt and their 2 cousins when they come back to windsor with my parents. They're staying with us for 1 or 2 nights.

NE ways... 2 more weekends left. And this one starts soon! Yaaay i hope this day goes by fast.

Thursday, August 26, 2004

YAY i made my first collage! It's pretty bad tho.. the layering is crap. I need to learn how to use photoshop more. I used the most basic tools ever. It's a compilation of pics from this summer.

...Good times it's been. Only a few more days left of work and then i'm off to move into our new place in london on the 1st. Less than 2 weeks and most of us will be back in london for goood...

Tuesday, August 24, 2004

So our saturday afternoon event of choice this past weekend was... FOOTBALL. HAHAHA. Most of you guys reading this don't know my friends here in windsor. If u did, u'd know that we aren't the most active bunch in the world. So this is what happens when we actually do something involving the outdoors and.. moving around lol.

Props to christine for making this banner.. good stuff chick. Ok u're all prolly wondering..what the.. how can a bunch of ppl get so screwed up from one afternoon (actually more like 1/2 an hour haha) of football? Well some of these pics aren't for real but at least half of them are.. lol which is pretty sad. We got the idea to do this banner so we needed more ppl to play sick. All in all, it was a fun time.. worth all the pain and suffering we went through afterwards lol. Can u tell which ones are for real and which are not? Hehe...

Friday, August 20, 2004

At work again. Nothing to do (but what else is new?) I was in a good mood when i came back from lunch with my family.. but my mood really changed after i got off the phone with this old man that calls the association every once in awhile. I ended up being on the phone with him for awhile because he started telling me his cancer story. How did we get on the subject? Because he was telling me to study to be a doctor. He basically has 2 choices. Die a slow death from the cancer or take hormones that will induce an instant heart attack death. And after he finished his story he said "you should become a doctor so you can help me out in the future". So sad.. he said he hoped his story would help me with my future studies. All i could say at the end was.. "i'll pray for you". This is the first time i can remember that i let something like this affect my mood. Maybe cuz it's not a movie this time.. it's real. Sighh.. i feel blaah now. I shall write no more ...

Thursday, August 19, 2004

Well ..the Lord has been challenging me with a bunch of concepts and ideas lately. Mostly in devos.. But like i was telling a friend, i think my problem is that i get challenged and then i dont know what to do with this challenge or how to handle it.. so i kind of go on and forget about it. And then new ones come and i dwell on them for a little while.. but then again i always just let them dissolve in my mind. Sighh how do i handle this. I don't wanna stay like this cuz i feel like i'm missing out on great opportunities that God is giving me. I'm so thankful for these challenges.. considering for awhile i was getting nothing whatsoever from Him. Or at least i thought i was getting nothing. It's interesting how we view our own spiritual life.. some too hard on themselves, others too lax. But then again can we ever be too hard on ourselves? I suppose not because we're so irresponsible and apathetic most of the time. But then i suppose so because God never intended for us to be down on ourselves all the time. Ahhh there's 2 sides to every story. That's kind of annoying sometimes. And now i'm just sort of rambling.. my thoughts are all over the place once again. I'm the expert at that.. rambling and unorganized thoughts hahaha.. Not a very good thing but maybe it isn't so bad? Hahah again.. 2 sides! Blah let me stop now before i say something i dont mean ...

Monday, August 16, 2004

Another blast from the past ...

These are some of my childhood buds.. 3 of them have moved to the west (cali) and christine (in the middle) i'm still best friends with.

Apparently this was taken some time in '89. Meaning i was around 5. Look at that sweet bowl cut i have goin Everyone else has cute pigtails and i'm stuck with the bowl..maaan.

Goin to the beach was always a great time.. i dont think i ever look fwd to it as much as i did before. Pastor Rob gave us an analogy yesterday.. Picture a little kid playing in a mud puddle. His parents come over and say "we're going to the beach! let's go!". But the kid replies "no i'm having too much fun playing in my mud puddle. i dont want to go." So the parents say "ok, suit yourself" .. and they start walking away. Now the kid is faced with a dilemma.. he doesn't want to leave his comfortable mud puddle, but he wants to be with his parents no matter where or how far they are going. He wants to please them and make them happy. So this is a choice.. leave your comfort zone and go explore new possibilities of "fun" with the ones you love. Or stay there playing in your comfortable mud puddle. Which one would u choose?

Sunday, August 15, 2004

A pretty good weekend. Started off by going to the mall... by myself haha. I was supposed to go with Victoria but she ended up not being able to go. So i just thought, what the heck i'll just go walk around by myself. Friday night at the mall = swarms of highschool kids crowding up the place. I hardly even noticed them this time tho.. I hadn't been to the mall in so long. It was kinda nice to walk around by myself.. i remember a time when i would never have done that because i would be afraid to be seen alone. But now.. who cares! Who do i have to answer to now? Noooobody.. yea it's great. Met up with caitlin after she finished work and we headed over to victoria's for some quality hang out time. I slept over but caitlin couldn't cuz she had to work early the very next day. Ahh it was fun ..took lotsa pics again lol. It's like it's a special occasion every time i hang out with those girls.

Saturday i just hung out at home after getting back and went to prayer meeting and fellowship at church. I led that Freedom in Christ bible study from ACF. Went pretty well.. stimulated some pretty good discussion. I'm glad i picked that one to do.

Today.. church, lunch, home, dinner. We went out for kirsten's birthday... Chanoso's. Not a bad restaurant.. i'd go there again. We walked down to the river afterwards since we were so close. That was nice since i hadn't been down there in SO long. And we drove past it during the day on the way to lunch and i was just saying how i wanted to go walk down there. There was this new pier that i saw that i wanted to walk on.. but apparently it's not even new haha.. i just never noticed it there in my 20 years of living in windsor. Yea i guess i really don't go down there often enough. I should go more...

That ended the weekend and now i'm here. Another week awaits..

Friday, August 13, 2004

Here's a funny email i got from a friend ... it's interesting. Give it a read.

Subject: This is for all you science geeks!

The following is an actual question given on a University of Washington Chemistry mid-term exam. The answer given by one student was so profound that the professor shared it with colleagues, via the internet, which is, of course, why we now have the pleasure of enjoying it as well.

Bonus Question: Is Hell exothermic (gives off heat) or endothermic (Absorbs heat)?

Most of the students wrote proofs of their beliefs using Boyle's Law (gas cools when it expands and heats when it is compressed) or some variant.

One student, however, wrote the following:

First, we need to know how the mass of Hell is changing in Time. So, we need to know the rate at which souls are moving into Hell and the rate at which they are leaving. I think that we can safely assume that once a soul gets to Hell, it will not leave. Therefore, no souls are leaving.

As for how many souls are entering Hell, let's look at the different religions that exist in the world today. Most of these religions state that if you are not a member of their religion, you will go to Hell.

Since there is more than one of these religions and since people do not belong to more than one religion, we can project that all souls go to Hell.

When birth and death rates as they are, we can expect the number of souls in Hell to increase exponentially. Now, we look at the rate of change of the volume in Hell because Boyle's Law states that in order for the temperature and pressure in Hell to stay the same, the volume of Hell has to expand proportionally as souls are added.

This gives us two possibilities:
1. If Hell is expanding at a slower rate than the rate at which souls enter Hell, then the temperature and pressure will increase until all Hell breaks loose.
2. If Hell is expanding at a rate faster than the increase of souls in Hell, then the temperature and pressure will drop until Hell freezes over.

So which is it?

If we accept the postulate given to me by Teresa during my freshman year that, "it will be a cold day in Hell before I sleep with you", and take into account the fact that I still have not succeeded in having an affair with her, then number 2 cannot be true, and thus I am sure that Hell is exothermic and will not freeze over.


HAHAHA... nice eh?

Thursday, August 12, 2004

Had a nice gathering for Jen's birthday last night. It was the first time in a LONG time families from my church got together like that. The parents upstairs.. the kids downstairs. Like old times... Here's a pic of all of us "kids" ...

It's funny that now all of us just hang out together. It used to be the "older" ones and the "younger" ones. My bro and sis's generation being the olders and me and my friends being the youngers. So much has changed since then.. We grew up.. moved on. Ppl moved away...

A pic of the original 6 of us at retreat i dunno how many years ago. we lost 3 to the west.

It's been so long since all 6 of us were together... We got a chance to reconnect with one in may...sharon in BC. Good times!

And now here's us just yesterday in windsor with ada.

Time flies... Pretty soon we'll be meeting for a reunion when we all have families and careers... scary. Gotta cherish the present now more than ever!

Monday, August 09, 2004

Have u ever been scared by an open door that u know should be closed? U know.. like in scary movies when someone looks at a door and it's closed.. looks away, then looks back and it's opened .. DUN DUN DUN!! Hahaha..well that happened to me today. I came into work and was doing my thing until i saw the door leading to the back room was open.. when it's usually closed and bolted shut. Something shoulda clicked in my head when i first got in and found that the alarm system hadn't been armed. But i just didn't read too much into it.. And darkness loomed beyond the open door ...... My heart skipped a beat and i immediately thought the worst. Someone is inside this place with me right now!! AAHHHH... u know how humans tend to skip to the worst possible situation in their own minds when something goes wrong. Of course nothing was actually wrong and i just had to swallow my fear and go in the room to see what was up. Someone had just forgotten to close and bolt it. Therefore the alarm could not be armed without the door being shut.

And there's a whole lotta nothin for u to read right there hahahaa..hope u enjoyed it. Cuz i enjoyed writing it while killing some time hehee..

Saturday, August 07, 2004

Dawson's Creek.. what a great show. Just finished the last season off on TBS. A part in the last ep actually made me laugh and cry at the same time. Now that's some good drama. That Kevin Williamson knows how to write a good story. Here's a quote of Dawson's that i found pretty cool...

"It's interesting how ppl use that expression.. life and death. As if to imply that life is the opposite of death, but birth is the opposite of death. Life.. has no opposite."

I'm sure some twisted soul could find an opposite to life lol. But for now.. let's just leave it at that. The wise words of dawson leery will forever ring in my head...hahaha.

Spent a relaxing night at home instead of hanging out with friends tonight.. it was much needed i must say. Both my sibs were out so i got the tv all to myself :) Church picnic was a pretty good time today too. We ended up playing volleyball!! Yaya...i was happy bout that. It wasn't on the beach but vball is vball... i wasn't complaining! I wanna play some more ...

Friday, August 06, 2004

Praise night is tonight... A few of us are sharing. I haven't done prepared sharing in a long while. I guess it's good. To plan out what you're gonna say so that you don't forget ne thing. Busy weekend ahead...

Friday - work, practice for Praise night, praise night
Saturday - church picnic all day, probably paet somewhere and watch a movie
Sunday - church, vbs setup

The days are getting so packed. July and August was/is such a contrast from June. It's rare that i get to spend a good night just sitting at home. I miss that.. But on top of that this busy-ness doesn't even include the things that i set out for myself to do this summer. Well.. personal things and God things.. or both? Hahaha that reminds me of that one post i did at the beginning of summer. About my will matching that of God's. The topic of His will has come up so many times in the past few months. And it's come up a lot during my devos too. I don't think i'm conscious enough of matching up my own will with His a lot of the time. Altho i suppose it still happens? Hmm.. i guess i'm just blessed that way. I know we shouldn't continually try to look for God's will..because the most important thing is your relationship with Him and striving to know Him more. And if that's good then His will does eventually come to you.. But it's funny because your relationship with Him is the thing that is constantly under attack. It's a vicious cycle. Satan.. you loser.

Tuesday, August 03, 2004

Well i had a grrrrreat weekend camping with ACF at Sibbald Point past toronto!! It was great seeing most of them again after 3 months. A totally relaxing trip schedule whatsoever. it was awesome.. not to have to wake up at a certain time. altho we didn't sleep in THAT late cuz the tent gets pretty hot or you hear ppl outside. We spent the majority of the time at the was a pretty cool beach with these rocky parts you could walk out on.. we went out there and played some games/took pictures. Played a lot of volleyball too and discovered again how much i love that game.. i wanna play more!! I got a new batch of mosquito bites too..which was expected. this time i have one on my left shin that looks like some sort of creepy crawly creature. *shrug* i can't exactly determine what tho. not having to wake up early meant we could stay up late too.. singing random songs of all genres around the campfire makes for a fun time. The last 2 nights we went back to the beach (after spending the whole day there too haha) and played more games and hung out lying there just chatting and looking at stars. It was quite a cool experience being out there late at night. Pics are up already so you can check them out on my imagestation.

Only one more month of summer remains! Soo much to do ...