A pretty good weekend. Started off by going to the mall... by myself haha. I was supposed to go with Victoria but she ended up not being able to go. So i just thought, what the heck i'll just go walk around by myself. Friday night at the mall = swarms of highschool kids crowding up the place. I hardly even noticed them this time tho.. I hadn't been to the mall in so long. It was kinda nice to walk around by myself.. i remember a time when i would never have done that because i would be afraid to be seen alone. But now.. who cares! Who do i have to answer to now? Noooobody.. yea it's great. Met up with caitlin after she finished work and we headed over to victoria's for some quality hang out time. I slept over but caitlin couldn't cuz she had to work early the very next day. Ahh it was fun ..took lotsa pics again lol. It's like it's a special occasion every time i hang out with those girls.
Saturday i just hung out at home after getting back and went to prayer meeting and fellowship at church. I led that Freedom in Christ bible study from ACF. Went pretty well.. stimulated some pretty good discussion. I'm glad i picked that one to do.
Today.. church, lunch, home, dinner. We went out for kirsten's birthday... Chanoso's. Not a bad restaurant.. i'd go there again. We walked down to the river afterwards since we were so close. That was nice since i hadn't been down there in SO long. And we drove past it during the day on the way to lunch and i was just saying how i wanted to go walk down there. There was this new pier that i saw that i wanted to walk on.. but apparently it's not even new haha.. i just never noticed it there in my 20 years of living in windsor. Yea i guess i really don't go down there often enough. I should go more...
That ended the weekend and now i'm here. Another week awaits..