hello blogger. it's been awhile. i dunno why i stopped blogging. part of it might be because i started blogging on xanga in the summer because of a blog-a-day competition i started with my friends in windsor. it's over now.. but i still blog there. it's like a communication thing with my windsorite friends.. kind of just for them. i dunno how many of you know about it. it's ok.. it's not really meant for ppl here in london ne ways.
it's cool to see that ppl still visit this page tho. thank you faithful readers of my blog..haha. i'm sorry i haven't had much to say over that past while. i dunno, i guess i haven't felt very.. "expressive". but blogging was actually one way that was at least a little bit easier for me to.. express. i find it so hard sometimes to talk in person. i've become very selective about what i say to ppl. it's been awhile since i've really "poured my heart out".. if i've even ever done it.
this is a very random post. i'm just bored.. and thought i'd say something since it's been awhile.
i've heard ppl think that blogging is kind of self-absorbed. like.. you basically talk about yourself. but what's wrong with that? maybe some ppl don't get to talk about themselves often enough...
and ppl use blogs as a way of venting too. that's popular. i don't really use it for that. but if you do.. by all means, whatever works for u! i enjoy reading almost ne thing.. haha.
i like blogging because i get to talk about my random thoughts. yea that's me. miss random.. girl. i know everyone has random thoughts.. but it seems like i have the uncontrollable urge.. no, need.. to express them. lol. for example.. my random thought of the moment is:
"why is my toilet paper not ripping on the perforated lines that the toiet paper company has so generously provided for me?" rather, it's ripping in totally odd places.. like NOT along the perforated lines!
yea.. see...
so the first semester in my second year of my university career is over. maaaaan. please make time stop. i know it's impossible.. but could we try? or i guess the invention of a time machine would work too. actually that'd be more fun since i'd get to travel back and stir things up! aahhh.. wishful thinking. this semester has been quite an experience. actually.. not really. why did i say that. duh..of course it's been an experience. but that word has a certain connotation that makes it seem exciting. well at least to me it does.. what i should have said was.. this semester hasn't been very exciting. there. that's more accurate. yea, it's been quite "blah". i keep comparing it to last year. aah my first year of university.. such a great year. nothing will ever compare. shoot why do i do this to myself. expectations......
well i guess i'll wrap up this very aimless blog. thanx for reading.. whoever you are. please visit again.. altho i can't guarantee a very interesting read or that there will even be anything to read in the near future. but then who reads blogs with high expectations ne ways? i sure don't! haha.. it's pure procrastination material.