MMS Friends

:D !

My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever..

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

this is the day the Lord has made. let us rejoice and be glad in it.

i've been praying this every morning this week. trying to remind myself that each day is a blessing from God and it is a joy just to be able to experience it. we are to use it to the fullest.. whether it be with studying, to bless other people, to make a difference for the Kingdom. it is a gift from the Lord. and i find that as i praise the Lord for each day that comes, He in turn gives me strength and love to endure it. He blesses me with what i need.. and only He knows :)

praise the Father for what He does through the Son. and praise the Spirit for what it does in my heart :)

Sunday, April 02, 2006

you know.. when i said that all day prayer was going to be great, i didn't expect it to be that great. and when i said i wait in expectation, i don't even really know if i was. the Lord blew away any expectation that i could ever have had. how silly i was.. the days leading up to friday..

the day started off great.. with answered prayers being reported. that just got me all excited. throughout the day many ppl came.. to pray, to share, to encourage. the day was just filled with goodness from the Lord. seeing and experiencing the love from my brothers and sisters was more than i could have asked for. in the morning i was worried because i was doing the 30 hour famine and i already felt satan's attacks telling me i was weak and bouts of hunger kept coming. but prayers from my brothers and sisters quickly extinguished the fear. so much more we prayed for: our campus, miscellaneous requests, acf worship and sharing that night, banquet (we prayed sooo much for banquet :D), against satan's attacks, crying out on behalf of so many loved ones. i'm sure the Lord was pleased with the sincerity and authority in our prayers. and it's so awesome to know that our prayers were heard by our mighty God who never ceases to amaze us. my description of how the day went really doesn't do it justice. let's just say the Lord worked in my heart that day and i'm sooo thankful that His presence was known. and i hope others were blessed too :)

this is the end of all day prayer in first year. altho i dont remember much from it.. i know it was a great day and God worked His wonders as always.

end of all day prayer this year. look at the growth :D

hype sleepover and 30 hour famine was fun.. it was good to spend time with the kids. it felt like it's been awhile since i was in windsor last weekend. and it was an LCAC-filled weekend too with the LCAC Charis Awards Dinner last night. wow.. the amount of time and effort put into preparing the night was sooo evident by everything that happened. what a blessed night to send off the grads. but last night, it finally hit me that the grads will be leaving us. i'm kind of bothered by the fact that it took something like this to make it hit me. been so busy with stuff.. that i haven't had time to think about it. there isn't much time left at all.. so many ppl we're saying goodbye to. it makes me too sad. i don't want to think about it. let's look at pictures instead. we all took a ridiculous amount of pictures last night..

HYPE sleepover group pic

our servers.. junior HYPE kids :)

froshie table + joseph :P

organizers victor and mike.. they did an awesome job!

with dor and cho

LCAC english congregation

HYPE counselors. gonna miss you guys..

HYPE guys.. so silly :)