the scene: eating dinner at SA before night class
present: mikey, shirley, dren, me
..these are not exact words. but whatever.
mike: me, dlo, and sarge might move into a 3 person place. if we do our acronym could be DAM or MAD.
dren: who's the M?
*shirley, mike, and i look at each other in disbelief*
*eruption of laughter*
oh dren :P haha good times.
karina sent me this really good article on dating. thanks again karina! it's good for those of you who are thinking about relationships/dating lately. which is a lot of ppl apparently? considering all the talk that's been happening.
some key parts i really liked if you don't feel like reading the whole thing (but you should!):
The essence is this: Whether or not you proceed to marriage or breakup is not the determinate factor of the success or failure of the relationship. Finding out whether or not this person is a suitable partner for you is. Many will nod at this in agreement and go about their life, yet many will miss its power.
“What is a successful dating relationship?” A successful dating relationship is one that recognizes and respects the eternal importance of the other person in purity while discovering and accepting your role in that person's life. However, this ability to treat her with absolute purity and respect as a sister in Christ before, during and after the relationship can only be achieved through His power. Relying on our own power and wisdom brings the widespread confusion in dating we currently see in the Church today.
hm. kinda puts another perspective on things.