this day is bananas B-A-N-A-N-A-S!
this line ran through my mind over and over again as i listened to my classmates talk about all the stuff we have to do for the next couple weeks. i'm not really one to stress.. but today i had a slight panic attack. just a little one. but the more there is to do.. the more i procrastinate! lol. hey gotta take care of the body first. eat and sleep is the first thing i did when i got home from school today :D
another reason this day was bananas was because of this possiblity of a strike happening at york. our prof addressed it in class today and made it very real to us.. that IT MIGHT ACTUALLY HAPPEN. and if it does happen.. it may be the end of our semester. wowza. but at this moment.. some of us would love to see it happen because there's just so much to do. a strike would mean we don't have to do all of it.. just yet. it's pretty selfish to want it to happen for this reason tho.. it really does screw over ppl who need to graduate. heck it screws us over too! our education would be put on hold. and while i would welcome a break.. i would not welcome the idea of becoming a nurse later than scheduled! i'm so torn. but it's in the Lord's hands. good to know.
the level of stress today among my classmates was higher than ever before. it was pretty funny tho.. being tired and stressed together makes for a good time! we start laughing at each other over the most trivial things.. the things we say or the way we say it. ahh i'm blessed to have such great classmates. love them :)
i'm really seeing God in the little things these days. like being able to talk to co-workers about faith and how God has blessed my life. and bumping into this lady i met on the first day of going to my new church on the subway monday morning on the way to clinical. she's a nurse too.. and she blessed me so much that day i first met her. she was so warm and welcoming. seeing and talking to her that morning was really an encouragement. and today ernie just so happened to be picking up his sister as i was walking out of finch station to go home and we got to catch up a bit - something we've been wanting to do for awhile. it was short but nice. there's a bunch more that i can't remember. as a wise friend of mine has said ..i'm much better at just recalling them in my mind without putting my experiences into words. so this will have to do.
i love experiencing God in the little things. but sometimes i miss seeing Him in the big things too. i don't even really know what i mean by "big things". i guess.. just something spectacular that God could show me. like a BAM! getting hit over the head with a ton of bricks with something so profound and relevant. believe and expect.. gotta be doing more of that.